Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Sheriff Pat Laughery

318 Mercer Street
P. O. Box 266 Mailing
Quanah, TX 79252 -0266

Phone: (940) 663-5374
Fax: (940) 663-2597

In Office Since 1/1/2017 Expires 12/31/2020
  • Your Namerequired
    Your Phone Numberrequired
    Your Emailrequired
    Confirm Email:
    Reason for Inquiryrequired

In an emergency, dial 911
from anywhere in the County.

For non-emergency calls, dial (940) 663-5374 The fax number for the Sheriff's Office is (940) 663-2597. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Click here to Search for Missing Children
Hardeman County, Texas Jail
318 Mercer Street  Quanah, Texas 79252

Visiting Hours
Must be at least 17 years old and
dress code is required.
3:00 pm Thursdays  2:00 pm Saturdays
Visitation time is limited to 20 minutes.
Please don't drink and drive....designate.